Friday, November 20, 2009

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?

recently my PC is acting weird. whenever i open IE.. another IE would load and close almost immediately. which means 2 IE would load and 1 of the would close. sometimes it will direct me to some WinAntiware site. worse cases.. while surfting thru youtube, it hanged for 5min. i left it open since i thought it was going to load.

after the 5 min freeze.. TONS and i really means TONS of IE loaded, its like it keep loading.. with the same page im surfting.. i kept pressing alt f4 for like a min till it stopped. any suggestions?

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?windows nt

You have spyware somehow. This is a common symptom of spyware. You need to remove it. Try downloading Spybot and removing all the problems.

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?windows 95 internet explorer

Your operating system is defective. I recommend replacing

it with one of:

or if you can spend some money:
Elana I love you.
You been browser hijacked. There a program that loads itself as a tool bar or helper object in IE...its making the windows popup like that....

I would check the manage addons option in IE


disable anything that looks funny and if you can locarte and delete them for good...
Just don't use IE. IE sucks. Go to using Firefox instead!

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