Sunday, November 29, 2009

IE Defender and google corrupted searches?

Hey guys i was wondering if you anyone knew a solution to my problem at the moment...

For some odd reason ive been getting this 'IE Defender' Popup and saying itll clear my viruses and it corrupts my Google searches and redirects it to theyre site. Also every time i look up something from google ( and youtube ) it also includes porn in it and its ridiculous cause my girlfirend goes to google on my computer and may have her thoughts about me ( as a pervert? ) so i dont want that happening

So if anyone knows a solution please post an answer and ill do the Best Answer thing.

IE Defender and google corrupted searches?internet explorer 7

i suggest you get rid of all the spyware you have on your pc by using the free program called AD-Aware from lavasoft. Make sure you click the free download (green button) and let it scan and clean your pc

IE Defender and google corrupted searches?microsoft word internet explorer

IE Defender is actually quite easy to remove and does not require you to purchase any software. So if you read any guides on how to remove it, and they require you to pay money to do so, please do not do so.

A free removal guide can be found here:

Is it possible to uninstall IE 7 and go back to IE 6?

All I want to do is return to the IE 6. I have tried out the IE 7 now for about 6 months and I just don't like it.


Is it possible to uninstall IE 7 and go back to IE 6?internet explorer

Official MS instructions.

Is it possible to uninstall IE 7 and go back to IE 6?microsoft office internet explorer

Yes, I believe so. Check this at,(put Internet Explorer 6 in their search box)
%26gt;Yes...if you (wisely) uninstall IE7, the system will automatically revert to IE6.%26lt;
Yes, if you go to your Control Panel, and choose Add/Remove Programs, scroll down in the list to Windows Internet Explorer, click it once and choose Uninstall. It will do it's thing and return you to IE6. You may have to reboot your computer for the change to take effect.
yeah, but you constantly get these popups from windows automatic updates to update your computer, just be sure to turn that off.
Of course! just uninstall Internet ex 7. it sucks anyways. Microsoft even said that they have had many problems with Internet ex 7. so its useless.
Yes, go to add remove UN install it you will get IE6 automatically.
Here is the official site that will answer your question.

Outlook wont open IE links to websites from my e- mails.?

Outlook wont open IE links to websites from my e- mails. IT used to, but not now. when i click on a link in my e-mail it opens up Internet Explorer but doesnt go anywhere- just a blank page. Anyone direct me to the exact setting page to fix this in outlook or IE?

Outlook wont open IE links to websites from my e- mails.?download ie

It is not your outlook, as outlook does direct you to the internet, check your firewall, spyware and anti-virus settings.:)

Also create a email and paste a few links, so see if it is just some links or all of them:)

IE dropdown menu problem with Flash?

how to make the flash appears over the dropdown menu in IE.....please help

IE dropdown menu problem with Flash?ie 6

I think I would have to see the example to give you more detailed help but from the sounds of it you just need to adjust the style of the element using the "z-index". That should elevate it over the menu.

Hope that helps you out. :)

IE Explorer won't let me add people in fantacy baseball?

There's no Green + sign but there the Red Minus Sign..... I dont know what i can do. It works in Firefox but not ie explorer..

IE Explorer won't let me add people in fantacy baseball?ie 7

eh, check to see if you have javascript enabled. No idea why that would happen or check your cookies settings.

IE download problem no button(n)explorer?

I download(ie)yahoo service ,I have button (n)yahoo none(n)expolorer how do I solve the problem.I can not get the printer to work no printer button to click on.

IE download problem no button(n)explorer?ie

Hold down Alt and hit F then you have the old controls so you can print or go to view to put it back the way it used to be

IE download problem no button(n)explorer?microsoft internet explorer

That should do it.

IE how to view sidebar?

I downloaded the add-on to IE 7.0 and cannot see it? How to I use it after downloading it? Any ideas?

IE how to view sidebar?

It depends on what add-on and what type of add-on it is. Please be more specific, by mentioning what add-on you have installed. For now, all I can say is this:

1. Go to View %26gt; Explorer Bar %26gt;. This menu shows all the sidebars that are available.

2. Go to View %26gt; Toolbars %26gt;. This menu shows all the toolbars that are available. You can also right-click on any existing toolbar to get this menu.


Viva La Dvorak! -

IE and Firefox stop working after 10 minutes. If the HTML Port (80) is getting choked, what do I do?

I've had this problem on one computer. Messengers and other programs tied to the internet will continue to work, but Firefox and IE are unable to browse. I just get "page cannot be displayed". Happens 10 minutes after reboot, and is only cured by reboot (reconnecting does not fix it).

I've looked for every source of the problem and have been searching for a fix for 2 days. I've heard that port 80 can get manipulated by malware, making it impossible to use it for browsing. I can still ping with ipconfig and netstat says that I have successfully connected even though I cannot view in the browser.

How do I see what is using ports?

IE and Firefox stop working after 10 minutes. If the HTML Port (80) is getting choked, what do I do?download windows media player

Try SpyBot instead: (free open source anti-spyware)

Also, check your disk space. Are you running low on disk space (even if on only 1 of your drives)? It could be the cache for browsing is getting clogged due to reduced drive space. A way to test is when you are having the problem, go clear your browsing cache. If it works after that and you can load the page, then its definitely disk space. If so, you'd need to add drive space to your PC or clear out some stuff from your drives or relocate your cache to a different drive which has more space.

While you're not clicking on anything and the page is not loading, look at your network connection to the Internet. Is it blinking? If it is, then there's traffic happening when there shouldn't be. If that's the case, its probably spyware or worse, you've been hijacked.

Good luck! Let me know if you need more help on this. You can email me through Y!Answers.

IE and Firefox stop working after 10 minutes. If the HTML Port (80) is getting choked, what do I do?internet explorer update internet explorer

use a firewall like zonealarm

Need help with IE and Outlook Express problem?

I am not getting any error messages on anything but am having problems with IE and Outlook Express closing down. I will be in the middle of something and they just completely close. When I pull up my browser it is very slow and is very slow to pull up web pages. I uninstalled and reinstalled the IE version 6. I called my internet provider to see if it was a problem with them. They said everything looks fine and seemed to think my antivirus program may be causing it. I have Trend Micro, and have not made any changes to the settings so I dont know if this is the problem. Maybe an update to the Trend Micro is causing it, I dont know. Anyone know what this could be? Any help would be appreciated.

Need help with IE and Outlook Express problem?microsoft word download

When did this problem start happening?

If only this week try performing System Restore. Restore your computer to an earlier date

To do System Restore:

a. Click on Start

b. Click on All Programs

c. Click on Accessories

d. Click on System Tools

e. Click on System Restore

f. System Restore will open

g. Click on Restore your computer to an earlier time

h. Click on Next

i. Try to choose a date last week or days ago that you are not having this problem.

g. Just follow the prompts, Click on Next

NOTE: The computer will logoff just let the computer do the restore

Try optimizing Internet Exlorer Browser

a. Check first the version

Click Help

Click About Internet Explorer

If you are using IE7 or version 7

a. Close IE

b. Click on Start

c. Click on Control Panel

d. Open Network and Internet Connections

e. Open Internet Options

NOTE: If Network and Internet Connections is separated just try to look for Internet Options

f. At Internet Options

Click on Advanced on the upper right

Click on Reset at the bottom portion

Click on Close

Click on Apply and OK

If you are using version 6

Click on Tools on the upper verions

Click on Internet Options

Under Generl Tab Delete Files, Delete Cookies

Then Go to Security Tab, Click on Default Level

Then Go to Privacy, Click on Default

Then Go to Programs Tab, Click on Reset Web Settings

Then Go to Advanced Click on Restore Defaults

Click on Apply and OK

Ie corrupting laptop?

hi i can hook up to hub exellent signal

when i try to go online ie encounters problem and has to close ?? its messing up the whole laptop ???

tried restore ,same...

format the drive and reinstall ????

problem is ive no xp code ... have to buy copy and code ????

any help

Thanks Biffo

Ie corrupting laptop?download windows xp

use a good browser, mozzilla firefox or opera!

Ie corrupting laptop?ies internet explorer

try a different brower and see if you have the same problem

if not you probably have virus and/or spyware you need to get rid off
No! Get Mozilla or Opera!
As above replace IE with Firefox its a far better browser.

You will also need to check your system out for virus and spyware.

I recomend AVG for the virus, Go to and browse the products section to find the free version of anti virus (there really is no need to get the pay for version as the free is very good indeed).

while you are there you can also download the anti-spy ware program too. this is probably one of the best on the market and you get it fully working for a months trial after which the shield is dropped.

Download from

adaware se


spybot search and destroy

install the programs and regularly update and run scans this should keep your system tip top.

If firefox does not sort out the problem you can use anyones copy of XP to reinstall as long as you use your own COA key

Try following the advice on this web site

IE 7 and Windows Vista?

Does anyone know if I have to download IE 7 before I install Vista?


IE 7 and Windows Vista?microsoft word 2003

Vista will come pre-loaded with IE7. You can learn more in the "Features Explained" column on the left side of this link:


IE doesn't connect, but Firefox can (yes, I have looked at some other questions)?

I can connect to the internet with Firefox, as you can see here, but I can't connect with either IE or Maxthon. Also, I can connect to AIM, Xfire, and online games, but I can't connect to Windows Live Messenger (which really sucks because I use WLM more.) My connection is DSL, but I'm not quite sure of the specifics -probably dial up.

IE doesn't connect, but Firefox can (yes, I have looked at some other questions)?windows themes

I suppose your using IE 7... IE is full of bugs

if you have DSL then that is not dial up...

IE doesn't connect, but Firefox can (yes, I have looked at some other questions)?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

Don't listen to Carling.

Do you have the latest IE? IE7?

IE7 is the latest version, and in my opinion the best. I find it does tabbed browsing and RSS feeds the best. And it is not 'buggy' as Carling said. I use it all the time, and I really don't face an issue. Unlike Firefox, where I always have tons of issues.

Or maybe you're taking up too much space on your hard drive, and it's slowing things down. You need to get rid of either Maxthon or Firefox. I think they're bogging the system down, to run better.

And I know how you feel about WLM. I use that all the time too. Just make sure you're really connected, and that all ports are open to work with.

IE browser window?

Besides the fact I'm sure I have adware/spyware on my computer, for some reason, whenever I open IE, it goes from my default page (I use "blank") it then switches to this addy Anyone know why, or what I can do to fix it??? What's the best anti-virus protect you can buy?

IE browser window?windows 2000

AVG Free anti-virus, and the updated version of Windows Defender is the best combo to combat viruses and spyware. Run those two applications and it should get rid of a good deal of it. The really good spyware is tough to clean off. If you are still having trouble with spyware after you run those, I would recommend a trustable computer technician. They would definitely be able to clean your PC for you. Good luck.

IE browser window?internet explorer internet explorer

Reinstall Internet Explorer or get the new Internet Explorer 7. It's no longer in beta version and it is so mich better than IE6.

Dont use IE7

dont contribute the monopoly and the bad quality products

Download Firefox 2. Faster Browsing, more security, simply better.
I recommend Norton Antivirus. Also, you can't stop the from popping up until you remove the adware. Norton Antivirus has spam blocking, e--mail scanning, spyware, adware, virus, worm, and trojan horse blockng and removal. You should have a virus protection program at ALL times, and keep it updated regularly.

IE 7 error when downloading?

Here is the deal...Microsoft is pretty much usless to me as they're no help at all. Everytime I go to DL something off Microsofts website I get to the DL page I choose the appropiate connection and then a window pops up saying that the IE page can not be found it can either be a misspelling, connection problem or the page is not working. So I diagnose the connection and it tells me that there are no problems. This has been going on for months.

I opperate with Windows XP pro, IE7 and I know I have all the appropriate hardware to upgrade to MS office 2007. I have cleared the cache, checked my firewalls and also checked my security settings.

If anyone can help me I would appreciate it. I need this software for my classes.

IE 7 error when downloading?windows 95

Why not use Firefox?

IE 7 error when downloading?download ie internet explorer

deal with it
dont know, either wrong link or sever busy. try sea monkee or mathon broswers, both good, both free

Any one know were to d-load IE 6 ?

i need to downgrade my IE 7 because i cant use Flashplayer or Java but when i use Firefix it works

anyone know were i can d-load IE 6

for thows of u who dont know what IE means its below

IE= Internet Explorer

Any one know were to d-load IE 6 ?windows registry

You can download IE 6 from microsoft page

Any one know were to d-load IE 6 ?ie 6 internet explorer

You can download IE 6 on Microsoft website. But if you already have Firefox i would use it. I used IE for a long time, but about 6 months ago i started using Firefox. In my experience it is faster, safer and overall easier to use.

Hope this Helps

IE just died?

i use firefox mostly but IE now and again but it wont do anything, it wont surf at all. XP.

IE just died?microsoft


IE just died?microsoft access internet explorer

why do you need IE anyway? try connection settings and make sure no browser hijackers screwed with you.
Do a 'repair' of IE under add/remove programs, or, just continue using Firefox.
Run Adaware and Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy and clean up all that spyware that IE allows. Stick with your Firefox browser
IE version 6 sucks. I use Firefox mainly also. But, I would go to and download IE 7.0 Beta instead:
What the hell is IE?

IE doesn't print, what's up?

When I click the button of "Print" or "Print Preview", or click Ctrl an P in IE... it doesn't print the page. (Althogh it prints it in Firefox.) What's the problem and how can it be fixed.

IE doesn't print, what's up?microsoft visual studio

Hmm.. Weird.

You can try repairing your IE through the Control Panel - Add and Remove programs. It should be part of the Windows Components.

IE doesn't print, what's up?ie internet explorer

Use FF from now on.

IE does not seem to be recognizing the Adobe flash plug-in..?

If I un-install the Adobe flash plug-in and then re-install..all is well until I re-boot, then IE (neither 6 nor 7) see the plug in. No such problems for FireFox.

IE does not seem to be recognizing the Adobe flash plug-in..?microsoft support

Trouble with Windows installation

If you have trouble with installation of Flash Player, follow the below troubleshooting steps. If one step does not correct the problem, move onto the next step. For optimal troubleshooting, after each step, restart your machine, and test Flash Player before moving onto the next step.

1. Restart. In some situations, Windows or Internet Explorer needs to be restarted in order to complete an update. Restart your machine, and test Flash Player before moving to Step 2.

2. Reinstall. Refer to the steps in Try this first: How to fix almost all Flash Player issues.

3. Repair the browser. The next most common cause of problems is an error with the browser. Often a browser upgrade or any changes to the browser may require a browser repair and reinstallation of Flash Player.

To repair Internet Explorer: Open Start%26gt;Control Panel%26gt;Add/Remove Programs. Choose the browser from the list of programs, click Change/Remove, and choose the Repair option. Restart after repairing the browser, and follow steps in Try this first: How to fix almost all Flash Player issues to reinstall Flash Player again. If Internet Explorer does not appear on the Add/Remove list, Repair is not an option, and you should move onto the next step.

Other browsers: Follow the above steps to see if your browser has a "Repair" option, and if it does, repair it. If your browser (such as Netscape) does not have a Repair option, you must reinstall the browser in order to repair it. Try Steps 4 through 7 first before moving onto Step 8, to reinstall the browser.

4. Security level: Your Internet Explorer security level may be set to High or a custom level which does not allow viewing of ActiveX controls.

To view your Security level, from within Internet Explorer, choose Tools%26gt;Internet Options, and in the Security tab, choose Internet.

Though your browser security settings should be chosen by you or your system administrator, the 'Medium: Default Level' will allow you to view Flash content. For any Custom Level, ensure that both "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" are not Disabled. (Enable or Prompt will work).

5. Permissions: Your permissions may not allow you to install ActiveX controls or plug-ins. If this is a possibility, refer to Permissions can affect installing Adobe Flash Player for more information.

6. Update your video drivers. This step is especially important if you experience a freeze or crash when installing or using Flash Player. Right-click on your Desktop and choose Properties, Settings, Advanced, and Adapter to view the manufacturer's name. Refer to the manufacturer's web site to download drivers or for assistance with installing the latest drivers.

7. Reinstall the browser. Download and install the latest version from your browser manufacturer's Web site. Download and install the latest Flash Player from the Flash Player Download Center.

IE Defender on my computer, how to remove?

when I do search it redirects me to IE Defender site. How can I remove this virus?

IE Defender on my computer, how to remove?microsoft frontpage

IE Defender on my computer, how to remove?windows vista home premium internet explorer

Have you tried the manual removal from this site:

It just requires you to delete some related files.
The smitfraudfix is being advised by most forums now to remove IEDefender. Follow that up with Superantispyware to remove any infections that the smitfraudfix doesn't get and you'll be in good shape..


IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.


here are manual removal instructions:
How to remove IE Defender (Removal Instructions)
IEDefender is a rogue anti-spyware application. IEDefender hijacks your web browser and redirects you to IE Defender�d�G homepage. IEDefender also pop-ups fake security alerts to deceive you! IEDefender uses all means necessary to mislead you and trick you into downloading the full version of the program to "solve" your spyware problems. You have to be careful and NOT trust IEDefender, even though it seems legitimate. My recommendations is that you remove IEDefender immediately before you become its next victim.
i just got this virus a couple days ago! i had a heck of time trying to find something to remove it. try SUPERAntiSpyware, it caught IE defender on my system and removed it for me and its free. i also tried the removal instructions from one of those forum websites but they were complicated and i didn't get the virus out. try superantispyware, it works and its really easy, you just wait for it to scan your system.

ad-ware works fine too. i used that too. ad-ware finds a lot of tracking cookies also that supersntispyware sometimes misses, but if IE defender is the only bothering you, superantispyware works really well.
You can try this free removal process:
IE Defender a rogue antispyware application that is starting to infect a lot of users. This particular infection is harder to remove. Also IE Defender installed in your Internet Explorer browser that hijacks searches you input into the Google and Yahoo search engines. When infected your Internet Explorer opens Google or Yahoo and make search request you will see a hijacked search result listing.

For remove IE Defender spyware, make follow the steps outlined in the topic linked below
This link details the solution that worked for me:

Link reads:

We've got infected by this IE Defender crap and I've read many Temporary Solutions or Total Removals, Just read here to see both solutions.

They are either listed as IR9V0_QCX.dll OR bDivX.dll

*Solution One

Go to Internet Explorer

Go to Manage Add Ons

Find bDivX.dll(In My Case IntelVideo - IR9V0_QCX.dll)

Disable It

OR (Still Solution One)

Go to Internet Explorer

Go to Internet Options %26gt;%26gt; Advance Tab

Reset Browser to disable ALL ADD-ONs

Solution Two

Find bDivX.dll(In my case IR9V0_QCX.dll) In the Windows 32 folder

Once found IR9V0_QCX.dll OR bDivX.dll %26gt;%26gt; Delete It

Now in Solution Two, the Spyware/Virus is now REMOVED and it did not damage anything BECAUSE the IE Defender Spyware is actually a Spyware Plug In for Internet Explorer

* = Only a Temporary Solution, will not TOTALLY remove the IE Defender Spyware from your computer

Hope this helps,

If I uninstall IE 7 and restart my computer will IE 6 be on my computer?

I need to know before I uninstall it cuz I don't want to mess my computer up anymore then it is with this IE 7

If I uninstall IE 7 and restart my computer will IE 6 be on my computer?windows xp themes

yes it will still be there i did the same thing a couple of weeks ago

If I uninstall IE 7 and restart my computer will IE 6 be on my computer?download windows media player internet explorer

Yes, I believe so. However, check with the FAQ's on Microsoft's website first to make sure.
When you uninstall it should ask you if yoiu would like to go back to IE6

IE 7 Help.?

Anyone else notice that IE 7 takes forever to open? It sometimes takes a long time for pages to open as well. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Is there an update available to fix it?

IE 7 Help.?default browser

There is an update: it's called FireFox :) Seriously, IE7 is quite bloated, I don't know of any hotfixes. I would suggest removing any extraneous plugins and toolbars, such as the ubiquitous Google Toolbar. Also, try clearing your cache and settings its max size to around 100 - 200 MB.

IE 7 Help.?microsoft word download internet explorer

Re install it. it shouldn't take long time.
Might do a quick spyware or virus check.

When you say pages are slow to open, are you having problems with your internet connection?
all vista compatibles has problems ... try fire fox it is free faster easier
MY IE 7 is fine do you have a slow ISP? Check for spyware and are you running a lot of programs while you are on the net?

I cant stand IE-7?

A techie installed it without asking.

After spending a lot of bucks getting the PC repaired I'm not willing to try to remove it right now.

How do I get rid of those miserable popups that are hitting me all the time?

I have my firewall on, also using AVG but can't get rid of bothersome stuff like Red and MSN and Messenger when my home page is Yahoo.

This is never happened before.I had more control with IE-6.

Cant stand IE-7

I cant stand IE-7?microsoft xp

You're better off going with Firefox or Opera. Both have built-in popup blockers. Your firewall and AVG won't do anything to stop popups. However, if you really want IE, you can just get the Google Toolbar, which includes a popup blocker.

I cant stand IE-7?download windows xp internet explorer

It sounds like you have a BHO (Browser Help Object) which is a parasite that attaches itself to you browser. Download HijackThis and run a scan. Check the BHO section for this entry and put a check mark against it and then click Fix Items.

sorry about that

holy ****


use firefox

download it and use it

billions of ppl use it instead of IE cas its ****

and its faster and has an auto block to block around 95% of pop ups

i use it and i get like 5 pop ups max a month

it also has sweeeeeeet add ons that change the graphics

get the cobalt one

o and btw IE key logs that means its a security threat it will track ur key strokes and send it to a remote computer

like passwords and crap
get secretmaker
You've got malware or spyware. Get a copy of "Ad-Aware" and "Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy." Both are available free of charge; a Google search will give you download sites. Run both programs, as each spots things that the other doesn't. Download "AVG Antivirus," which also has a free edition. Run it. After all that, you more than likely will have fixed the problem.

Internet Explorer 7, whatever its vices or virtues, does not give you all these popups by itself.
To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6
your problem has nothing to do with the browser, you have spuware on your pc, thats why the pop-ups .

IE doesn't display some websites?

Everytime I tried accessing or logging in to some sites, IE gives me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" esp Yahoo, hotmail, friendster and some others are ok.

IE doesn't display some websites?microsoft downloads

Well, it sounds like you have internet connection..I would use a new Browser such as Mozillas Firefox which will solve this problem. it's good and free:)


IE doesn't display some websites?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

Download the Firefox web browser, from

IE toolbar, how do you get it?

I don't know how to get IE toolbar, HELP. (thanks)

IE toolbar, how do you get it?microsoft sql server

Get Yahoo! Toolbar

IE toolbar, how do you get it?windows themes internet explorer Download and customize there.

IE issues with css?

How come the dvd cover is shifted slightly to the right in IE?


IE issues with css?microsoft flight simulator

IE6 does not format CSS properly. To accomodate for IE6, use these tags in the head part of your document and change the CSS to make it work.

%26lt;!--[if IE 6]%26gt;

.insertCSStoFixHere {blah:true;}


This way, the browser reads these tags and if IE 6, it uses them instead of your normal CSS.

This hack works for all versions of IE, just change the version number to suit.

IE issues with css?windows 2000 internet explorer

iv looked at your link but don't understand your question???????????
It looks the same.....

Compared using:

Firefox 2


Internet Explorer 7

...which version of IE are You using?

IE settings default; I browse sites which uses javascript; why i get javascript error replying on ya

I have IE internet options at default; I browse websites which uses javascript without a problem; why do i get javascript error when i click reply, etc in yahoo email?

IE settings default; I browse sites which uses javascript; why i get javascript error replying on yahoo emailwindows nt

Along with Javascript backup you may have your pop-up blockers on. turn them off by going to (internet explorer) tools - pop-up blockers- turn off.

/the educ8r

IE shortcuts have changed file ext. Why?

I recently got a BT Home Hub. Suddenly my internet pages were all opening with BT Yahoo browser which I've managed to get rid of but I can't find the way to stop the change in saving to desktop, so that when I save an IE link to my desktop it saves as a mht file instead of html and does not update. When I open the link the address starts off "C:\Documents and Settings" instead of "http://www". It's really annoying - does anyone know how I can reinstate the html version?

Many thanks.

IE shortcuts have changed file ext. Why?

There could be many things to do to resolve this, please add me to msn and I will help you to sort this problem out step by step :)

msn is: owner[at]

replace [at] with @.

IE shortcuts have changed file ext. Why?microsoft windows xp internet explorer

IE7 saves files with mht and have all of files and didnt need a folder for images and scripts.

IE Search bar keeps vanishing?

My internet explorer search bar keeps vanishing for

several days. This time it has been gone for two weeks.

I can't find out anything in the help topics. I use

win xp. IE 6.0

What is going on?

IE Search bar keeps vanishing?windows xp home

If you are using IE (and really, why haven't you switched to Mozilla Firefox?) and you don't have a Yahoo toolbar, then go to Internet Options, go to Contents tab, Click on Autocomplete and Clear Forms.

If you have Mozilla (congrats, you have a safer and more stable browser), just go to Tools/Options/Privacy/Saved Forms and clear forms.

IE & Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?

I have noticed that IE and Firefox both display a webpage differently, espicaly when it comes to java scripts. is there a site out that anybody knows of that will display sample java script code for both browsers?

Better yet, does anybody know of any sites that sample code compatible for both browsers?

IE %26amp; Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?windows 98

I'd say you just need to go find a good resource for learning Javascript so you can learn the differences. Another option would be to use a Javascript library such as Prototype, jQuery, or Yahoo's own YUI. These solve the cross-browser problem but also make coding easier.

IE %26amp; Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?microsoft support internet explorer

There is really no getting around installing Firefox, Mozilla, and IE, at least, and testing every page and every change on all three.

Yes, there are web sites that will test your code. I don't know how accurately any of them are at testing your Javascript. Sorry, but I no longer have links to them.
This is a typical cross browser compatibility issue. What is the error that you are looking at?

Any specific JavaScript or HTML rendering DIV capabilities?

IE Defender?

Help! I have some spyware on my PC called IE Defender and there's also some trojan horse thing! Please tell me a good anti-spyware thing to protect me from it! Oh and by the way, it got past Norton!

IE Defender?windows firewall

IEDefender is a rogue anti-spyware application that displays exaggerated security alerts difficult to close in an attempt to trick you into purchasing the full IEDefender version.

Your web browser is hijacked and will display a fake error message in order to confuse you into believing it�d�G coming from the search engine itself. IE Defender error message states that you�d?e infected with spyware and that you need to download IEDefender to solve your problem. This is not true. IE Defender is trying to trick you into purchasing the full version of the product. Remove IEDefender as soon as possible. In the link I'm providing, you may read all about IEDefender and the instructions to remove this rogue anti-spyware.good luck.


IE Defender?microsoft frontpage internet explorerThis is the best advice!! It did it yesterday and it worked like a charm. Great stuff!! Report It

This will remove IE defender, free.
IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.


here are manual removal instructions
I had the same problem a week ago.

What G4Acre is saying is correct

I did it...cleaned my whole computer....and downloaded FireFox for my browser.

MAKE sure you do it in safemode

its not going to work if you don't

Have fun!

IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?

I recently downloaded IE 7 and I've noticed some of my favourite sites no longer show properly.

That is one of the few that do not show.

How can I sort this problem?


IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?microsoft net framework

Get rid of IE use Firefox instead. Firefox loads this page on my road runner in less than 2 sec!

IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?windows xp themes internet explorer

This might be trying to protect your computer. If might not let you go on some "questionably un-secure" sights. This is to prvent phishing, viruses, trojan highjackers, etc.
you're right, the site you provided us with doesn't work with IE 7.0 but real fine with FireFox 2.0

so dump IE 7.0 and switch to firefox!!!

no just kidding, you have to keep IE 7.0 even if it stinks.

My piece of advice : use firefox everytime you can and IE 7.0 only when you can't do otherwise (ie microsoft updates need IE 7.0 or websites with activeX require IE ... but there are getting fewer and fewer)

IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?

My computer auto-installed the Windows XP security updates that were published on 02/12/2007. Now Internet Explorer 7 does not work, showing me the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message. I am fully connected to the internet so that is not the problem. Any suggestions on how to fix my problem with IE 7?

Here are the updates that were installed:

Security Update for Windows XP (KB928255)

Update for Windows XP (KB931936)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB924667)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB928843)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB927779)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB927802)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB918118)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB926436)


IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?windows vista ultimate

All of those Updates are ligitimate updates. They are not causing your problem.

Try cleaning your Browsers Cache by deleting the Cookies, Temp Files and History in Internet Options.

IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?default browser internet explorer

I honestly don't know if this will fix it, but take a look at your Content Advisor. If it is on, turn it off.

You can find your Content Advisor settings by going to Tools %26gt;%26gt; Internet Options %26gt;%26gt; Content.

If it is currently enabled, disable it and try browsing again.
check your start up group . under tabs .it may have went to original default .
I have an almost identical problem. I installed the same 8 UPDATES but one is KB 931836 instead of 931936.Also my updates showed 2 additonal ones that you did not mention. KB 928090 and 890830. I did a system restore back to Feb 5th and now all is ok . I am afraid to reinstall them. Did any of the suggestions posted here work ?



Error message on IE; wants to install drivecleaner?

Is this a virus that came with the latest IE updates or what??? The computers at work %26amp; mine at home will pop up with a huge message saying did you know your computer tracks all the porn sites you visit, blah blah blah, would you like to install drivecleaner. It basically shuts down whatever you were in %26amp; even if you hit cancel, it will automatically pop up with the screen to install. Only way to exit is to shut the window %26amp; then go back onto IE.

I do not visit porn sites, I hate that this msge shuts down what I am in, how do I stop it? Pop up blockers %26amp; virus protection are enabled yet it still happens...What's going on, anyone else experience this???

Error message on IE; wants to install drivecleaner?microsoft internet explorer

its a spyware an advertising program

use windows defender spybot search and destroy

the best counterspy to clean of this


use counterspy it will work....if ad aware doesnt...use trial version from above link

Error message on IE; wants to install drivecleaner?microsoft downloads internet explorer

This wouldn't have came with the new IE7. Even if you don't browse porn sites you can pick this up at many other sites without even noticing. DO NOT install is deffinitly malware.

Download Ad-aware, install, update, and run full system scan. Remove everything it finds.
Get a virus scanner and scan your computer.
Drivecleaner is spyware, and it is trying to scare you into buying their product, which is crap. Your antivirus can't get rid of it. Get SpyBot Search %26amp; Destroy to safely remove spyware. Best of all, it�d�G free. After installing it, immunize the computer against over 31,000 known pieces of spyware. Then run a full bot check and remove everything it finds using the Fix Selected Problems tab. Keep it updated and run it weekly to keep your computer free of this stuff. Then get Ad-Aware also from and run it the first time doing a Full System Scan. Thereafter, run a Smart Scan daily.

Keep them both updated and use them.
No it didn't come wit IE you got it surfing the web.

try these and let me know if it works for you.

Download ATFcleaner and VundoFix.

Run ATF first then Vundofix.

DriveCleaner is a misleading application, which gives exaggerated reports of security and privacy risks on a computer. The program then prompts the user to purchase a registered version of the software in order to remove the reported risks.

Drive Cleaner. Description and removal instructions

Removal of Drive Cleaner

you have messenger spam

NOT to be confused with your instant messenger/s


all programs

administrative tools


all services are in alphabetical order


right click

select properties

from drop down menu

select disable


same thing as above

these are ports left open in the XP windows version but closed in Vista.

hackers know this and ping for these open ports to install messenger spam spyware.

after disabling,run anti-spyware progrqam/s

Offline pages with IE 7.0?

I'm not really sure how to add a page to my computer so i can see it even when im not on the internet, i use to be able to do it with IE 6.0 but i just got the new IE and i can't figure out how to do it! plz help

Offline pages with IE 7.0?windows xp sp2

I didn't know this untill you asked but IE help reports:

The offline viewing feature has been removed from Internet Explorer. For information, see What happened to offline favorites?

The offline favorites feature has been removed from Internet Explorer. If you want to read web content offline, here are a couple of different ways to do it:

Subscribe to an RSS feed. Many websites offer content as feeds, which can be downloaded and read offline. For more information about feeds, see Using feeds (RSS).

Save a webpage as a web archive (MHT) or HTML file. For more information, see Save a webpage on your computer.

Related Topics

Offline pages with IE 7.0?microsoft sql server internet explorer

on the menu bar..

file%26gt;work offline

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?

I HAVE IE 7 %26amp;VISTA

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?microsoft net

I used IE for 12 years and never going back Firefox is a lot better. If you ever find a website that won't load properly on Firefox you can install IE Tabs.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??

My computer crashed and I had to reload from my recovery disk. In IE the Calendar info is missing and I keep getting a msg telling me that, but no info on how to fix it.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??microsoft zune

Are you getting a " Missing .DLL error message when trying to run calendar after Windows XP installation ? This is a possible solution.

- Copy the following files from " M\CALENDAR " to " C\CALENDAR "

(1) - CALRES32.DLL (2) - MFC30.DLL (3) - MFCAN32.DLL

(4) - MFCO30.DLL (5) - MFCUIA32.DLL

Or, failing that, try running " Calendar set-up program" again. If the Calendar still won't open, run the Internet Explorer set-up program again to install missing files. That's all I can come up with. I hope you get your problem resolved.

Comment revenir a IE 6?

Windows update m'a install�T IE 7 et je n'aime pas du tout cette version. Je voudrai revenir a IE 6, comment est-ce possible?

Merci d'avance

Comment revenir a IE 6?windows mail


This will revert your system back to IE-6.0

Comment revenir a IE 6?microsoft maps internet explorer

C'est possible. Pour obtenir IE 6, employez ce lien et serrez le t�Tl�Tchargement.

how is my french?
Aller ? l'ajouter/enlever le panneau de commande de programmes, ?tre s?r de v�Trifier la ? exposition met ? jour ? la bo?te, et la b?ta volont�T d'IE 7 apparaissent comme mise ? jour finale de Windows. Uninstall il en cliquant l?-dessus, puis sur le bouton. Vous revoyez quelques messages que vos arrangements sont chang�Ts, et par la suite vous devez remettre en marche votre ordinateur. Quand cela est fait vous avez votre vieux dos d'IE 6.


Go to the Add/Remove Programs control panel, be sure to check 'Show updates' box, and the IE 7 beta will appear as the final Windows update.

Uninstall it by clicking on it, then on the button. Again you see a few messages that your settings are being changed, and eventually you have to restart your computer. When that's done you have your old IE 6 back.

IE 7 - Admin can't access to Internet Options?

Same case like here:

I have the same problem. And I have admin privileges and I tried to see any Group Policy stuff but it seems to be clean @ regedit. Anyway IE is saying when I'm trying to access to Internet Options:


This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.

And if I will make it hard I can see it but I can't edit anything, also is written in the window footer:

! Some settings are managed by your system administrator

I have:

BitDefender Prof 8

SpyBot Search %26amp; Destroy [Teatimer + IE protection]

TuneUp Utilities 2007 [cleaning XP and making it better]


Also I couldn't manage some Services to start or to stop..

Dont know what to do.. So thats it, don't know what to do.

Thanks for ur time!

IE 7 - Admin can't access to Internet Options?

Try following the instructions at:

Make sure to update both the registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the one in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

HTML Matching in Firefox & IE?

I'm currently working on the code for a website, and everything is wonderful in Firefox. However, when I view the page in blasted IE the div columns do not line up properly with the header.

I also have smaller div layers within the two main columns (navigation div, and news div) that serve as text place holders, just as a design preference, and they are also screwed up in IE, running over the main divs.

I know IE is a baby when it comes to HTML, and so unlike Firefox you have to make sure every little thing (such as px after a #, instead of just the #) must be added in order for IE to read it properly.

If there's anything of that nature that could make a quick fix for my problem, I'm much obliged. But no matter the problem, I still need a solution.


HTML Matching in Firefox %26amp; IE?windows vista home premium

Do you have a DocType at the top of the page? That usually fixes problems like that. You can read more about DocTypes here:

HTML Matching in Firefox %26amp; IE?ie tab internet explorer

Welcome to the wonderful world of web development. The problem you are experiencing is due to Microsoft's inability to conform to the standards put forth by the World Wide Web Consortium. After all they are better than us right? Somehow, other browsers manage to do this without a problem. I suggest developing the two side by side until you get a better handle on the differences in the way the two browsers work.

Can Netscape & IE co exist? I still have IE problems?

I cant change the homepage of IE it always go back to " even if i changed it in the internet properties. Is it because netscape is using it? Should i delete Netscape? I already updated my IE but still not working. Please help!!!

Can Netscape %26amp; IE co exist? I still have IE problems?download windows media player

Netscape versions prior to version 8 did not share anything with Internet Explorer, except for one very odd case of a bookmark issue where Netscape 6 was reading Internet Explorer's bookmarks. I doubt Netscape 8 is causing your problem, and in fact can gaurentee you it is not.

My guess would be that the problem is caused by Microsoft antispyware, or another antispyware tool. The problem is called homepage locking. Some antispyware tools will try and change the homepage to prevent spyware infections. Microsoft's antispyware, called Windows Defender does this and changes it to a Microsoft homepage.

Are you sure you provided me with a correct URL?

If you don't have an antispyware tool, I recommend WebRoot. Webroot (for pay software) gives you control over what homepage your browser(s) use.

Barring that, there is a free piece of software called IE Restrictions which may help.

If you think that Internet Explorer is changing its own settings, try turning off any antispyware tools, and trying this:

8.In Registry Editor, locate the following subkey, if it exists:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Mi... Explorer\Control Panel

9.If the ResetWebSettings value or the HomePage value exists in this key, right-click the values, and then click Delete.

Note You may also want to verify any Web site information contained in the Default_Page_URL value and the Start Page value in the following registry keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\I... Explorer\Main

HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Interne... Explorer\Main

HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Microsoft\... Explorer\Main

10.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

11.On the File menu or on the Registry menu, click Exit to quit Registry Editor.

Can Netscape %26amp; IE co exist? I still have IE problems?internet explorer update internet explorer

They can co-exist no problems... but if you think that has something to do w/ it then change ur netscape homepage too... also be sure your changing the page in right place on IE (tools-%26gt;options-%26gt;homepage)

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the to

I can access "Manage Add-ons" through

=%26gt;Internet Options

=%26gt;Programs (tab)

=%26gt;Manage Add-ons

But, when i am on the Manage Add-ons window, it says that i have a few things enabled (i.e. Adobe Reader/Shockwave, etc), while IE is saying that i have add-ons disabled. This has been really frustrating. I've also reinstalled IE but nothing seems to work. Also in the Start Menu bar, right next to the IE icon has a text saying "No Add-ons" and when i do open up IE, there is a message saying "Internet Explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled" located under the tabs (under the menu bar). can someone help me out please? thanks in advance =)

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the tools menu bar, why?!nintendo ds browser

Windows Internet Explorer 7 Toolbar: =

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the tools menu bar, why?!windows 98 internet explorer

Do you see your tools menu on the top of your browser? If not Right click a empty part of the browser and click the menu. You should now see the tools menu, Click manage addons from there!

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy

Two days ago IE just stopped working. This is what appears when I open IE window:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

You are not connected to the Internet.

The website is encountering problems.

There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:

Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected.

Retype the address.

Go back to the previous page.

More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.

The website is temporarily unavailable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.

If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

I don't care for Firefox. Any suggestions?

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy about it.?microsoft templates

You might try to give yourself a chance with Firefox. I actually use it because it's safer than IE (less prone to hacker attacks, viruses, etc.) and more flexible (it's got add-ons that'll enhance your web experience.)

However, if you must use IE, then you can check the connections tab in the Internet Options and make sure that you haven't accidentally turned on/off a proxy server that you may need (if you're at work, or behind a firewall.)

You might also update your virus definitions to make sure that your IE options haven't been compromised by a virus (again, Firefox is better in the case of viruses.)

Barring that, if the problem just began, you could do a system restore if you're using XP or Vista. That could restore your options to the correct settings.

Best wishes!

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy about it.?windows firewall internet explorer

well you'll love it if you get the myspace toolbar..
Un-install IE and re-install it. It's gotten corrupted
That happens quite often with IE. There's really no reason for it %26amp; I don't know if anything can be done about it.

I know you said you didn't like Firefox, but if you just gave it a chance, I'm sure you prefer it over IE. You don't get thrown out of Firefox. It's much better.

Give it a chance!
Try to check your firewall (if you're using one) to see if somehow Internet Explorer has been denied access to the web.
I work in IT. 90% of the time, when Firefox works on a computer that is active on the net, and IE does not, it's because spyware has infected IE. The greatest thing about Firefox is that (at least compared to IE) it is practically bulletproof in getting fouled up by viral sites.

So in short, you probably have a virus or spyware or something. Using firefox/google, download these programs.

- hijackthis

- spybot

- ad-aware (

even before you install those programs go to norton's security scanner (or trend micro's house call) - and run a full system scan. If you get several positive results, you might need something stronger than those programs. But all computers should have those - especially hijackthis.

With hijackthis, you can get a snapshot of most of the areas that IE lets bugs into your machine, and then show them to knowledgable folks in a forum. Or take specific lines from your hijackthis log (or results), and then google them, to find out more about what is going on.

Anyway, that's if you want a clean machine. Then again, even if you get it fixed up, and go to the same kind of sites with IE, you'll probably get the same problems. It's probably better for you to learn to customize firefox so that whatever it is you like better about IE, you can just do it to firefox.

Firefox can do anything IE can do. It can also stop doing whatever it does that makes you dislike it. It's just a matter of add-ons.
Even I cannot do without IE. No compromise with anything else.

Just try to install IE 7, the latest version. I was having such probs, and now it is solved.

Enjoy IE!


Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to www.kuaiche

the url my 2nd IE to is this url i did not login. this url open with 2nd IE

Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to word 2003

This type of activity is called browser hijacking. You can use one or two free antispyware programs Spybot S%26amp;D and avg free anti spyware should be able to repair it.

Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to explorer 6 internet explorer

You've got spyware / virusses installed.

Delete them and you'll be fine!
Click on Tools Menu of IE. Then click on internet options. Then click on General Tab. There Click on Use Blank Button. It will solve your problem
Your browser has been hijacked. Use a Spyware remover, if you have a recent AOL disk you get one free called Spybots. Get it installed and go off the internet, unplug the modem, and run it. Spybots Search and Destroy.

It is freeware, and it works.

It will also set your browser to Not allow sites to install programs.

Never get stuff like those Free Smilies or Free Fonts advertised in pop-up ads or on links on your web page.
Your browser has been hijacked.

Get spybot or ad-aware from or And get a decent antivirus


paid-pc cillin,norton,mcafee etc
Because your IE was affected by spywares and other viruses.

You should get Firefox %26lt;; because it was safer and better browser. Opera %26lt;; should work also. Then you should start scanning your computer.

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?

IE 7 = Internet Explorer Beta 3 Version

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?windows themes

Try control at the bottom left of your key board.

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

Same problem here waiting for intelligent answers because Microsoft dont want to know about it'

Take care!
rollback to IE6.

IE7 is still BETA!!!!!!!!!

problems exist, and this is apparently one of them.
Not everyone is IE7 ready. Microsoft doesn't have it figured out yet. Beta=Test.
so thats the cuz your using beta.Try your old IE 6.0

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?


I am helping my cousin troubleshooting with his home computer. He has a Windows XP machine with IE 6.0 installed. Whenever he tries to view or access an .mpg file using IE the browser does not display anything.

This is also true when we downloaded the .mpg file onto his workstation, and tried to play it using Windows Media player; video plays but no video image. I know he also has some type of codec installed, but not sure what. Can any ones suggest a solution to this?

Workstation currently has Windows Media player and QuickTime installed.

Thanks in advance.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?windows 2000

try to get more codecs. There are many versions of MPEG video.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?internet explorer internet explorer

try realplayer or vlc media player.
Try open Window Media player. go to tools %26gt; option %26gt; network have to be set up acordingly

Okay, had IE 7 - then Mosilla FF - NOW WHAT?

upgraded IE to IE 7.It slowed down my computer - booting takes forever and going from page to page van b S-L-O-W.

It was recommended that I switch to Mozilla FF. I did. It keeps closing and giving an error message. I click SEND everytimr. IT KEEPS DOING IT. I tries typing this question 4 TIMES%26gt; I finally had to restore IE and remove Mozilla's FF. JUST TO ASK THIS QUESTION!! is there any other browsers out there?

Okay, had IE 7 - then Mosilla FF - NOW WHAT?windows 95

try opera.

Okay, had IE 7 - then Mosilla FF - NOW WHAT?download ie internet explorer

Avant. Its pretty good. And you must have some problems with your computer bcuz I am a regular user of mozilla firefox and I have no problems at all. Try Avant browser.
you can get rid of all your problems if you format and reinstall
Uninstall IE7 by going into add remove programs and see if it is there if not then check add remove windows components and uncheck explorer. Reboot your computer the go back to add remove programs and click add winodws components and check explorer and that will install explorer 6
Go to tools, the tool icon that is on the toolbar, (with the gear next to it), then click phising Filter-Turn off Automatic Website checking. This is part of the reason that IE-7 goes so slow. I have cable, and it slowed my down, so I turned it off. I never had it before, so I figured I don't need it now.. I never did have any problems with IE-6 without a phising filter. Give it a try, and see if it makes a difference. You can always turn it back on..Good Luck..
Have you cleaned out your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies?

The IE or Mozilla Ff speed may may be bogged down because of your temporary Internet file is stuffed and cookie folder too.

If you are using IE 7 click on Tools, click on Internet Options. If the General tab is in display mode, under Browsing history you will see Delete and Settings.

Click Settings first; and IE 7 will give you the best settings for your computer. If you have used your computer a good deal this week or longer, click Delete and the browsers temporary stuff it stored will be deleted.

You should get better performance.

Friday, November 27, 2009

IE problem some files can harm your computer?

every time i click on ie something pops up and says file download and says some files can harm your computer save or cancel ive tried everything there is no way to get on ie or anything online for that matter can somebody plz help

IE problem some files can harm your computer?windows registry

ugh stupid IE

well its the same for any internet browser

like firefox too but not as annoying like IE crap

but if u want to knw what ur download is safe

download the mcafee site adv

it will tell u lots of info about the site and all the downloads

and will tell u which are infected with what

or if the site trys to steel info

and ppl post what they think of the site's safety and stuff

so its pretty good everyone uses it

preferably download the program with Firefox

IE problem some files can harm your computer?ie 6 internet explorer

Dump Microsoft and get firefox at

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it cr

i installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web address it crashes.. my webpage is yahoo and when i change website for example i put to web address it opens another internet explorer then that internet explorer crashes.....and everytime i open another Internet Explorer it crashes and freezes is it something to do with the installing of IE7 and uninstall again??? i tried many solutions but nothing worked.. and is it some kind of virus?.... and i cant download anything because like i said when it open another internet window it crashes and freezes can someone help please.........

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it crash?microsoft windows xp

IE is BUGGY. Use firefox, thats the best I have ever found, and I'm a senior software programmer, and big fan of Microsoft too.... but IE, it sucks.

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it crash?ie 7 internet explorer

Try to live with IE7. It works well in almost all cases. It is safer and better. Plus you need certain parts of IE to do other things.

If you must, you can download from microsoft's IE site a tool that temporarily fools the web server into thinking that you have IE6.
there problem is not a viruse or anything else, try to open explorer and disable all add ons

check this website it will help u

by the way, try to clean your registery using registery cleaner it's very commun windows applications crash cuz of that, u can check or to get one
IE-7 is a superior version than IE-6. The, why you are trying to retain IE-6. If automatic update is kept 'ON' in Security centre, it will update everything.

Put 'automatic update, in manual setting so that you can choose whether to update or not.

Install IE-6 %26amp; decline update.

It should work.
i know what ur going through, IE-7 is too fancy and newfangled, i'd stick with IE-6, maybe theres a problem with the add/remove program dll, use a registry cleaner or perform a chkdsk to correct errors

Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2 running Internet Explorer 6 after installing security update 942615. This security update caused all kinds of problems, I ended up deleting the update but now there seems to be a "fix" for the issue.

Take a look at the above link for the knowledge base for this problem.

Good Luck

IE 7 Runtime and Script Errors URGENT HELP NEEDED?

I downloaded IE 7 and now Im getting massive runtime and script errors - like so bad that everytime a page loads I get one to 10. Any ideas? I have mozilla - which is working fine - but I cant update my OFFICE LIVE site without IE 7 - HELP PLZ!

IE 7 Runtime and Script Errors URGENT HELP NEEDED?microsoft visual studio

I don't know what errors you're getting but any error isn't a good one. I would uninstall IE 7.0 and try to reinstall it from scratch. Go to Start | Control Panel | Add and Remove Programs. Make sure the "Show Updates" box is checked at the top of the Add/Remove screen. Scroll down under Windows XP updates and select to remove IE 7.0. Your system will revert back to IE 6.0. I have had to do this once or twice for some reason, to get IE 7.0 to function properly.

IE / Firefox problem?

The problem here is something is wrong with IE AND Firefox.

Whenever I try to view any page, the area where the page is supposed to appear is blank. I've tried refreshing and refreshing, but all they display is just blank nothingness. Rarely does the page appear, and even then it continues "loading" even after the page appears to be fully loaded. After awhile it refreshes and I am back to square one, with the blank screen. I've used IE for awhile then switched to Firefox, for about 6 months now, and I'm quite worried.

What's wrong? It was fine before. Before this happened, there was an update from Norton 2006 (preinstalled on my computer by Compaq, old yes I KNOW). I needed to restart the computer for the changes to take effect, and since then this problem has been occuring. I've tried restarting again and again, but to no avail.

Nothing is wrong with the internet connection. I'm using my dad's comp with the same connection, and it's fine.

IE / Firefox problem?replacement windows

You could try using your system restore facility to restore your PC.

If that still don't work you could Uninstall Norton and install another good free version which will be much lighter on your PC than Norton and be just as secure.

Free Antivirus programs.

Good luck:/

IE / Firefox problem?windows mail internet explorer

if you have xp system you can go to restore to an earlier date and see if it works ok and go from there.Good luck

IE formatting is askew. Text is very large and overlapping. Cache was cleared to no avail

It is the entire website I have trouble with. IE displays the font large and overlapping. I don't have a mouse with a roller, I've cleared cache, and I've adjusted my screen resolution. Most other websites are fine, except AOL IM. My IM window also has similar formatting issues. In IE I changed my font size from medium to smaller, but it did not change the size of the pages.

IE formatting is askew. Text is very large and overlapping. Cache was cleared to no avail.?microsoft frontpage

Close all Internet Explorer windows. Right Click on the desktop and select Properties. Go to Settings and change the screen resolution sizes to something bigger and better. Mine is 1024 by 768 pixels on a desktop computer.

IE add-on error?

very often I get a pop-up saying there's an error w/and add-on and that IE needs to close. I went to 'more info' and disabled the add-on, but it still happens. I also tried deleting the file itself but it won't let me.

Funny thing is I never (NEVER) use IE. (but the alerts are very disruptive).

Help is appreciated

IE add-on error?windows xp themes

I agree, get thyself to an antivirus and antispyware scan and check your computer. If the first scan doesn't show anything, make absolutley sure by doing a 2nd and even a 3rd scan. No anti-whatever is 100% effective 100% of the time.

If you're using Windows then you're using Internet Explorer whether you realize it or not. IE is an integral part of Windows and some features just won't work without it. You may not be using IE as a browser, but believe me, it's working in the background.


IE add-on error?download windows media player internet explorer

Then you probably have a spyware infection. Follow the instructions on the following page to scan your PC.

It is good to see that you are not using IE, are you using Firefox? If not, I strongly recommend it.

IE Tab in firefox?

Does the IE tab add-on have the same security problems as using normal IE?

IE Tab in firefox?default browser

Excellent question!!! I wouldn't think so as "NoScript" still works for me.

IE - How do u remove rprompt resend info when you refresh?

How can I remove the prompt that pops every time I try to refresh a page in IE. The prompt says "to display the webpage again IE needs to resend the information you've previously submitted"?

Please help.

IE - How do u remove rprompt resend info when you refresh?microsoft xp

I don't believe that's possible. It's built into the browser as a security/safety measure so you don't do things like submit an order twice.

IE - How do u remove rprompt resend info when you refresh?download windows xp internet explorer

click on (dont ask me again*

IE toolbar messin' with my Yahoo toolbar!?

I've installed the Yahoo toolbar, lovin' it, but...the IE/MSN whatever toolbar at the very top of the page (with the Back/Forward buttons, HUMONGOUS search bar, etc) is soooo in the way. Is there a way to modify it, or better yet, put the back/forward buttons BACK with the File/Edit/View... buttons? Right now it's taking up way too much of my screen, and I liked it better BEFORE I upgraded my IE.

IE toolbar messin' with my Yahoo toolbar!?microsoft downloads

Click view above and enter toolbars. Enter customize to add them and others to the bar.

IE toolbar messin' with my Yahoo toolbar!?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer

yup, IE7 sucks that is why i use mozillia firefox, link included below.
Sorry, the stuff on the first line of IE7 is fixed. Microsoft made it that way on purpose, something about integrity.

Firefox in IE?

I've seen an extension for Firefox that renders pages using the IE engine if you choose to do so. Is it possible to use Firefox, built-in to IE? Not make Firefox look like IE, I mean, but just render Firefox-style? Maybe there's an Ajax site that does this for any browser?

Firefox in IE?microsoft sql server

Your thinking of the extention that allows you to "View this page in IE", all this does is open your current page in the IE browser. I have it installed and use it mostly for viewing imbedded movies that don't work for firefox, I'm sure web designers find it quite handy also.

Firefox in IE?windows themes internet explorer

There definitely isn't.
Yes, there is such an extension: IE Tab.

In addition, Netscape 8 apparently allows you to switch between the two rendering engines. However it's based on Firefox 1.0.3 and may not have the features and security updates of later versions.

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Wh

I run Internet Explorer version 6, and have been having issues.

Some of the time, when I click either on "Open in New Window" or a link which should open into a new window, IE completely freezes, causing me to have to CNTR-ALT-DEL and open IE again.

It isn't always, but it is frequent enough to annoy me.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or any idea how to fix it? It can get to be quite annoying.

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?microsoft flight simulator

Maybe give MSIE 7 a try.


IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?windows 2000 internet explorer

Either do a repair install of IE,or try IE 7 and better still get Firefox.

Why dont attacked couples ie teacher/student, work collegues, doc/patient, muslim teens fight back 4

Why is not JUSTICE carried out on anyone who attacks a loving realtioship...


work collegues, doctor and patient, young teacher and 6th form/high school student, two muslim teengers, prodestant and catholic etc.

Ie why are all those attacking under guises or tripe like inappropiateness, immorality, unprofessionalisim

When its realy perverted puritanical, pious relgious evil not faught back against.

ie if a teacher and student loving relationship (ie snuggles, pet names, eyes lighing up and running to the phone when the other calls) split up and teacher fired or arrested...

Why doesnt the student attack the family of the head teacher, taking his kids, forcing a divorce then physically hurting him till he begs forgiveness, brings back her boyfriend and pays for the next months dates... Hurting say being smashed with brinks ie stoning along with any police.

Likewise if collegues are fired why not force the boss to divorce if he ever wants to see kids agai

Why dont attacked couples ie teacher/student, work collegues, doc/patient, muslim teens fight back 4 justice?windows nt

The reasoning in your question is illogical. I don't believe that you honestly think that what you are proposing as a solutuion to the splitting up of a relationship between teacher and student, between work colleagues is a just solution. Do you? We live in a civilised society and what you propose is uncivilised.

Why dont attacked couples ie teacher/student, work collegues, doc/patient, muslim teens fight back 4 justice?windows 95 internet explorerActually yes... such people who attack couples and scum like peadophiles, bullies and other abusers so smash them down as its them who are uncivilsed leaving only nice folk Report It

My goodness you are strange.....
Call the Samaritans or a good counsellor.

You need to talk through your issues. They are YOUR issues and not the rest of the world's.
Yup and stop interfering with your students!
WTF is wrong with you??!!! Seriously, get a life.....
Well done! the award for longest, most convoluted, totally meaningless and ridiculously phrased question EVER to appear on YA is yours!!! Simply send me ??00 administration fees and I will send you your ??00,000 prize.
And the strange award goes to... wait for it... drum roll.... straight answer.

Ive had loads of emails from this freak and he just does the same on the email... total shite and soooooooooooooooo long and going nowhere. by the time i get to the end im asleep. lol
Yeah people who try and stop teachers having relationships with their pupils should be subjected to arbitrary violence... Oh no - hang on - teachers SHOULDN'T have sexual relationships with their students - that would be an abuse of power...

Back again, As It Is, Max, Infodude - but still spouting the same tired, illogical, convoluted, old sh1te. Give it up eh?
dnt mean to sound mean but did ur question hve to be this long?
Is it a question or a Reuters News bulletin!
wow thats a long question!! i think the teacher side of things is because if you were a teachers partner and you were a student well youd be there favourite and wouldnt be fair as you would be getting extra help and great grade i expect. but dunno really. just what i think.
do us a favour, could you be abit more specific. Thanks
Blah blah blah, kill or be killed, love thy neighbour (and his wife) does anyone really give a crap life is life welcome to the big pond little fish, your either bait or prey, such is life.
you already have all the answers
i strongly suggest that you consult this problem with your religious leaders and lawmakers, the educational board, and a psychologist.
YOU need to calm down.

revenge isnt justice and never will be.

And YES there certainly are abuses of power involved in a teacher student relationship. You only get one shot at an education and the idea that someone with the power to control your success or failure, could use that power to get sexual gratification, is a real threat to the values we HUMANS hold dear.

Teachers can use their powers of persuasion and pretty words to fill the minds of kids with notions of big brother and use the kind of affection which many at that age haven't known yet, to twist a perversion into a seemingly innocent act.

Just because a young mind can't see that very clearly doesnt make it any less true. Teachers know this all too well and they have to read and sign lengthy legal codes of conduct which lay it all out. Our laws are in place to protect the vulnerable from this sort of abuse. apparently from the likes of YOU

Anybody had Mail Beta lock-up IE lately?

I know this has happened on IE 6 at work, and I think on IE 7 at home. You log into Mail Beta, it appears to load everything until, at the very top, it says "loading chat", and then it just stops--the little wheel that spins as chat is loading stops too. The page and IE are unresponsive from then on.

It happened to me several days ago, and then again this morning. Really annoying, since you have to Alt-Ctrl-Del and kill IE from task manager. It did it repeatedly this morning--It stopped after I logged out from the yahoo main page (in other words, before loading mail), and then logging in again. Might have just been a coincidence though. I think if the chat server is not available or whatever, somehow it is bringing IE to it's knees, but who knows?

Anybody had Mail Beta lock-up IE lately?microsoft maps

yes, several times. It IS a "beta" version!!! That means it ain't "right" yet!

Anybody had Mail Beta lock-up IE lately?windows registry internet explorer

Yeah I went back to O.G. one. I can wait till they fix ther issues

Help w. IE 7?

How do I set up IE to auto refresh when I visit a web site? In the old IE I had it set up so it would refresh every time I visit the site. I don't know how to do it in IE 7. Help plz?

Help w. IE 7?

click tools %26gt;%26gt; internet options %26gt;%26gt; on general tab there is "browsing history" click setting %26gt;%26gt; it says " check for newer version of stored pages %26gt;%26gt;choose automatically.

you might also want to try Firefox the open-source browser , it's easier to work with :

Help w. IE 7?microsoft windows xp internet explorer

there's a refresh button rite next to the address bar...the one with arrows in opposite direction.
TO refresh ur window just press "F5" Button once

IE pop ups / adware!! - tried everything.....?

I have ran Spybot, Ad-Awae, Super spyware remover (something like that) and a few other programs.....

I am STILL getting these annoying pop ups!! this has never happen before. I have Firefox and I dont even use IE......

What if I delete IE? What can I do to get rid of these?

This is really screwing up my computer. I have deleted lots of stuff that may have been casing the problem and those programs found TONS of stuff...

is there anything else I can do but re format??


IE pop ups / adware!! - tried everything.....?windows updates

Go to and get Spyware Doctor Starter Edition which is totally free and the best malware remover, period. Install, update, take your pc off the internet and perform a full/complete scan. Still having pop-ups? Scan your pc in safe mode (F8 @ startup). Still having pop-ups? Go online to Trend Micro Housecall to perform a free online malware/virus scan and removal. This should remedy your problems.

Also if you don't have a good antivirus program I recommend Antivir Classic, which is totally free and has great detection. It is available on, but you will need to remove your current antivirus program before installing this one.

Good luck and Happy Holidays!

IE pop ups / adware!! - tried everything.....?replacement windows internet explorer

use the link below for help
check ie add ons in toolbar manager and disable any unknowns,

empty temp folder(s)

empty temporary internet files folder (cache and cookies,

empty trash bin,

reboot in safe mode and scan for spyware and antivirus scanner,


Maybe this will help. Depends on what the pop ups say.

You could also run a Hijack this log and post it on some spyware forums.
You need to get a more powerful and Effective anti-spyware tool.

You can find top 5 anti-spywares reviews,comparisons and download links on

You can download and scan your computer for free.

IE won't open but yet I can still chat. Please some help me..?

My IE won't open but I can get mail, chat with ppl on MSN. I open IE and it starts to download then stops and then nothing. I ran my Virus and there was nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

IE won't open but yet I can still chat. Please some help me..?windows messenger

download mozilla firefox

Ie toolbar back to original state?

I have too much stuff on my ie toolbar!!! I just want my normal ie toolbar back. How do this??

Ie toolbar back to original state?windows firewall

Right click on your toolbar, unlock it, then untick what you don't want. Afterwatfd go to Customize and add / remove any other icons as you prefer then relock the toolbar and close all browser windows. When you reopen a new browser window, the changes that you had made should be reflected.

Ie toolbar back to original state?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

If you mean u have alot of toolbar, go to control panel and uninstall them.

IE working fine, but Firefox running slow?

I have IE and Firefox installed. IE is running fine, but Firefox is taking a long time to load pages. Is this just a coincidence, or is it possible for one of the browsers to run slower? If it's possible and not just my imagination, how can I speed up Firefox?

IE working fine, but Firefox running slow?internet browser

uninstall firefox and all of its components. then reinstall. it should work faster. or go to wikihow and look in computer and tech. go into hacks and there should be a site that says speed up firefox. here i'll even give u the site

IE working fine, but Firefox running slow?windows media center internet explorer

you can speedup firefox with this addon. but it will never run as fast as ie does.

i have hacked my firefox even farther than fasterfox will take it and still it's not as fast as ie is.

IE Explorer error.....?

Sometimes when I try to open IE I get an error window that says SysFader:Iexplore.exe - Application Error

The instruction at 0x7e2b4198 referenced memory at 0x0311589c. The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program.

When I click to terminate the program, it just opens another error window with different codes in there. This has been happening pretty much since I got the computer a year ago but more often lately, especially if I try to open IE from Yahoo IM. Thanks!!

IE Explorer error.....?windows xp service

sounds like an old read error bug. they didn't have many great 'handles' for other programs to grab onto and activate it. it could just be that the software is messed up and you might just need to update either IE or Yahho IM. Also try dumping your cookies, and content (including offline content) some sites might take alittle longer to load at first but it might help.

IE Explorer error.....?microsoft xp internet explorer

Typical Microsoft error..

Best bet would be to un-install and install new Internet explorer..maybe IE 7.0

Problems with IE and JavaScript?

I am currently working on a site and I am using a script from DynamicDrive to animate and collapse/expand a DIV upon a user clicking a link. The script works perfectly well on all bowsers Mac and Windows apart from IE (what a surprise). IE always expands the div, when you click to close it it does the animation and moves up but when it finishes it drops back down.

Does anyone know anything that i can edit in this script to make it work with IE, its really bugging me and it need this script working

Thanks, the link to the script is below

Problems with IE and JavaScript?microsoft internet explorer

It might have something to do with the doc type of your file (which I'm not saying is your fault; it's likely an IE thing). Temporarily remove it and see if it works in IE (v6 I'm assuming).

BTW I really like your avatar.

Problems with IE and JavaScript?microsoft downloads internet explorer

What do you expect? It's from Microsoft. It's meant to be defective... Besides, when you put the animation on the page you should make a recommendation saying "This works best on all browsers with the exception of IE."
Works fine for me, both in Vista + IE7 and XP + IE8 BETA.

Problem with IE and MSN messenger.?

I am currently using Firefox and IE(Latest Version). I am also using MSN Messenger(Latest Version). For some unknown reason my MSN Messenger in not logging me in and my IE is not even working but i can browse through my Firefox. Just wondering how can i fix this problem with MSN Messenger and IE?

Problem with IE and MSN messenger.?windows xp sp2

I need some Error codes but A frequent cause is that the time on your computer is not correct.

To correct the time on your computer, double-click the clock in the bottom right of your screen, in the window that appears you should check both the time and date

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